QLD: Council’s $10M ask to promote K’gari


Fraser Coast Regional Council is set to make a request of $10M from the state government for promotion and support for the change of name of Fraser Island to its Indigenous name, K’gari.

The ask is part of the council’s priority advocacy projects plan which is going to its August meeting for endorsement.

The council says promotion, rebranding and other activities to facilitate the name change will be crucial to ensuring that the tourism brand equity in the Fraser Island name is transferred to the traditional name.

It will advocate to the state that it leads and provides support for local organisations to undertake the necessary activities.

The Fraser Coast  Chronicle has reported on widespread community debate about whether a name change for the whole Fraser Coast region should now follow, but Mayor George Seymour says that is not something the council is pushing for.

Cr George Seymour, Mayor, Fraser Coast

Fraser Coast Regional Council; Fraser Coast Chronicle $