VIC: Techno Park residents protest in Hobsons Bay


A decision to take a Hobsons Bay council meeting online at the last minute is attracting criticism from a group of local residents who had arranged what media reports described as a “march to the Altona council chambers.”

The Star Weekly reported that Mayor Antoinette Briffa said the decision to move the meeting online was difficult but necessary due to the risk of “an unpredictable, stressful and potentially volatile environment.”

The protest was arranged after the Council wrote to residents living in an industrial estate, in contravention of planning rules. It was reported that participants in the protest included Cr Jorge Joquera from neighbouring Maribyrnong, Cr Sue Bolton from Merri-bek City Council, and former Altona chief executive John Shaw.

Since the initial notification in May, residents received a follow up letter from the Council’s CEO advising that extra time would be given to find new homes as the Council did not want anyone to become homeless during a housing crisis.

In the latest developments:

  • Mayor Briffa published a lengthy statement on the Council website, seeking to clarify a number of points in relation to the matter, and reassure people that the council wasn’t “forcing anyone onto the street.”
  • In a six page response, Techno Park residents described the statement as misleading, and said the Council has already caused residents to become homeless.
  • The Age reports having seen correspondence from local MP Melissa Horne in which she raises the matter with the Premier’s office, and suggests a cross government taskforce to deal with the situation.
  • A proposed motion from Cr Daria Kellander to enable residents to ask questions of councillors and officers in person failed to attract a seconder and lapsed. She said on Facebook that it was disappointing but not surprising.

Read reports on the resident protest and further developments from The Age, and the Star Weekly.

1 thought on “VIC: Techno Park residents protest in Hobsons Bay

  1. Cr Kellender asked the obvious question in the Council meeting: is it possible for council to reverse/withdraw/revoke the letter that was originally sent out to Techno Park residents that directed them to cease living in their homes immediately? Extraordinarily, The director couldn’t or wouldn’t answer the question.
    If Councillors are able to revoke that letter surely they must be told that and need to understand the implications.
    I’d love to hear a discussion about whether this would be possible to revole and what the implications of doing that might be.
    I’m a resident in Hobsons Bay who, like many, is horrified at what Council is doing to the community at Techno Park and the contempt that is being to us all by Hobsons Bay Council.

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