New Episode: Aggressive behaviour, red tape and confusion, and a murder charge, #254

On the Roundup today: More councils call for an end to aggressive behaviour toward council staff; Councils defend their record on housing development approvals; An inquiry hears about confusion and bureaucratic red tape in the wake of last year’s major floods; A Gold Coast councillor remains in office for the moment despite being charged with […]

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New Episode: Court rules on arbiter’s reasons, a GM’s termination stayed, and an ‘evil and despicable’ act, #253

On the midweek update for 23rd August 2023,  A court rules that an arbiter provided inadequate reasons for a finding of councillor misconduct; Rural Councils welcome new disaster recovery funding arrangements; A regional mayor appeals for direct government communication, rather than by media; A council’s general manager terminated one day, reinstated the next; More Sydney […]

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New Episode: Case dismissed, “abhorrent” behaviour, and a deputy mayor removed, #251

On the weekend update for 19th August 2023,  Case dismissed – a win for Yarra Ranges and the sector in the Supreme Court; Councils looking to name and shame over illegal tree removals; Serious misconduct allegations dismissed at Benalla council; A call for respect for parking officers facing escalating public abuse; A deputy mayor removed […]

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New Episode: Scaling back kindergartens, huge legal bills, and a no-confidence vote, #250

On your midweek Roundup for 16th August 2023,  More detail emerges of government plans for planning reforms; Knox to scale back kindergarten provision, while another council considers its position; A council’s massive legal bills revealed in a fight to stop a proposed quarry project; The council meeting suspended after the mayor collapses; A local health […]

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New Episode: A council wins in court, others in trouble, and a mayor saves the day! #249

Coming up on the weekend update from the Roundup, available to listen now: An ‘absurd’ bidding war between a council and the state government; A court win for Merri-bek council and its community; School crossing supervisors back on the job in Strathbogie; New councillors set to take office at five councils; A councillor censured by […]

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New Episode: A motion fails to launch, a community mobilises, and a silly and unbelievable plan, #248

On the midweek Roundup available now, A councillor’s bid for unfettered council question time fails to launch; The local council response to Victoria’s first sobering up centre; A community mobilises against a state government housing development; The biggest management shakeup in 30 years on the Gold Coast; An investigation into a suspended council labelled as […]

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New Episode: Major planning and governance reforms proposed; a council facing suspension, #245

On the Roundup for 29th July 2023, The Operation Sandon report is out and it makes sweeping recommendations for major reforms to local government planning and governance; A long running lawsuit against Greater Dandenong is dropped; A councillor suspended for one month for misconduct; Another councillor resignation at Strathbogie Shire; A Tasmanian council on the […]

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