Roundup News Briefs


As heard on the Roundup (episode 52):

The State Government has purchased a former Victoria University site in Maidstone, with plans to use it for a state of the art tram maintenance and stabling facility for 100 new Next Generation Trams. Maribyrnong City Council has welcomed the purchase. Read more here.

Melton City Council CEO Kelvin Tori has announced his retirement, after 19 years with the Council. He tendered his letter of resignation at a Council meeting this week, and will finish up on 31st October.

The Mayor of Buloke Shire, Cr Daryl Warren, and the Mayor of Borough of Queenscliffe. Cr Ross Ebbels, have challenged each other to a vaccination race. Read more here.

The NSW Local Government Minister, Shelley Hancock, has launched a campaign to encourage local government workers to get vaccinated. Read more here.

Nominations for local government elections in Western Australia open this week for the elections to be held on 16th October. Read more here.

Three new directors have been appointed at Wingecarribee Shire Council, under the new structure adopted in July and led by General Manager Lisa Miscamble. Read more here.

Researchers will be funded to find innovative solutions to the devastating mouse plagues that have caused massive economic damage to rural communities and farmers across Australia. Read more here.

Inner West Council in Sydney will use nearly $3 million in compensation for loss of open space to the WestConnex transport project to fund facility improvements in the area. Read more here.

The UK Government has announced the largest single investment in affordable housing in a decade. Read more here.

New Zealand’s Local Government Minister has appointed a new member to the panel undertaking the Ministerial Review into the Future for Local Government. Read more here.