Quick Bits 11/1/24: Latrobe, East Gippsland, Central Darling, Edinburgh, Lewisham


A council bid to make Latrobe Regional Airport a centre for advanced air mobility will take a step forward this year.

Trials of new technologies will look at the practical applications of drone technology in regional communities – including medical supply deliveries, powerline inspections and logistics.

Latrobe Council is working with a partnership group that includes Swinburne’s Aerostructures Innovation Research Hub, Textron Systems Australia, Federation University and CASA.


East Gippsland Shire Council has told the state government of its disappointment with a rate cap of 2.75% impose for the 2024-25 year.

Deputy Mayor Cr Jane Greacen OAM said while the council was being asked to work within a 2.75% increase, it was disappointing to see the state government increase a number of its charges this month by more than 5%.

She said the cap doesn’t recognise the increased cost of maintaining the status quo, let alone delivering new services to meet community expectations.

But she added that the council would of course “cut our cloth to size”.


Central Darling Shire Council will ask the state government for assistance with the costs of holding elections later this year.

The council has been under administration since 2013, and the Minister for Local Government has indicated there is potential for it to return to elected members this year.

But the council says it will be difficult to find the money to fund the election and the reestablishment of a team of councillors.


Edinburgh Council’s chief executive of nearly a decade has announced that he will soon retire.

Andrew Kerr has had a 42 year career in local government, including 19 years at the chief executive level of various local authorities.


In London, a local mayor has resigned his position to stand for Parliament at an upcoming by-election.

Damien Egan announced his resignation as Mayor of Lewisham Council just days after the resignation of the current MP for Kingswood, revealing that he had been selected to contest the by-election.