QLD: Claim of inappropriate councillor conduct substantiated


An investigator has upheld a claim of inappropriate conduct by Toowoomba councillor Nancy Sommerfield.

Toowoomba Cr Nancy Sommerfield

The Courier Mail reports that an exchange between Cr Sommerfield and the Council’s CEO Brian Pidgeon was the subject of the investigation.

Mr Pidgeon made the complaint about comments allegedly directed at him by Cr Sommerfield in a confidential session last year at which his employment contract was being discussed.

The comments are understood to have related to an incident that was subject to a confidential report in 2021, arising from an anonymous staff complaint.

Toowoomba CEO Brian Pidgeon

The investigator found that the allegation could be substantiated and appeared to have been careless, and made with limited insight into the inappropriate nature of the conduct.

He has recommended a reprimand, along with training or counselling.

The council said in a statement that no decision has been made on whether appropriate conduct has occurred. It’s understood the matter will be considered at a meeting in August.

Source: Courier Mail$; Toowoomba Region Council