OAM for NT Local Government Legend


Local Government Association of the Northern Territory life member Kerry Moir has been awarded the Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the Australia Day 2023 Honours List for her service to local government and the community.

Mrs Moir was a councillor with the City of Darwin from 1992-2012 and was a member of the LGANT Executive from 2000-2012, including President from 2006-2012.

She was involved in significant reform in the local government sector, including a review of the sector and subsequent development and implementation of the Local Government Act 2008.

Mrs Moir said she is most proud of her world advocating for the voices of Aboriginal people in regional and remote areas of the NT to be heard and for representation to be fair.

Mrs Kerry Moir OAM with a token of appreciation from the then Roper Gulf Shire Council (now Roper Gulf Regional Council) for her support and dedication to local government. (Photo LGANT)

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