LG Shorts – SEC, Housing, E-scooters, No-trespass dispute


Casey, Merri-bek, Ballarat chosen for SEC Pilot: The State Electricity Commission (SEC) is launching a consumer pilot in three Victorian local government areas. The pilot is rolling out in the City of Casey and City of Merri-bek initially, with the City of Ballarat joining next month. The three local government areas will be the first to benefit from the SEC’s initiative to help households switch to electric appliances and save on energy bills.

ALGA releases Housing Crisis report: The Addressing the Housing Crisis report by Equity Economics, commissioned by ALGA, highlights a $19.4 billion funding gap for local governments to provide infrastructure for 1.2 million new homes. The report recommends policy reforms to enhance councils’ role in accelerating Australia’s housing supply.

Sunshine Coast e-scooter trial to end?: The Sunshine Coast Council‘s e-scooter and e-bike trial is likely to end as scheduled in September 2024 due to limited uptake, safety concerns, and negative community feedback. The Council will consider a recommendation to reassess the region’s readiness for e-transport hire in 2026. Sunshine Coast News

No-trespass councillor claims she is being ignored: Katherine Town Councillor Amanda Kingdon is waiting for the council to respond to her request for a motion to have her no-trespass order revoked and an independent mediator appointed. Cr Kingdon claims she is being ignored by the council, but Mayor Elisabeth Clark maintains proper procedures were followed and a process exists for complaints against council decisions. NT News

26th August 2024