LG Shorts: Ban, e-scooters, resignation, lawsuit, battery fight


Darwin Councillor ban extended: Former Darwin City Councillor Amye Un is banned from entering council buildings for a further 12 months. NT News

Sunshine Coast scraps e-scooter trial: Sunshine Coast Council votes to end hire scheme. 60 per cent of survey respondents were in favour of ending the 18 month trial. ABC News

Ipswich Councillor resigns: David Cullen has resigned from Ipswich Regional Council after being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. A special meeting will be held to determine how the vacancy will be filled. Ipswich First

‘Slug gate’ lawsuit continues: Victoria’s Supreme Court has rejected Greater Dandenong City Council’s application to discontinue I Cook Foods’ lawsuit against it. Berwick Pakenham Gazette

TV star fights battery farm: TV presenter Catriona Rowntree has appeared before Greater Geelong City Council seeking support to fight a large scale battery farm proposal at Little River. Geelong Advertiser

30th August 2024