LG Shorts: Liverpool appeal; Hume dogs; new rules; advisor appointed


Liverpool appeals: Liverpool Council is seeking to stop the state government from deferring its election and appointing an administrator through an eleventh hour appeal, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.

Dangerous dogs in Hume: A Hume City councillor will seek an immediate review of the council’s responses to reports of dangerous dogs, after an alleged attack on a local woman last week. Sunbury Life

New rules for NSW Councils: The NSW Government is proposing to ban private councillor briefing sessions and strengthen lobbying guidelines as part of changes to a “fundamentally broken” system. Canberra Times

State advisor for Townsville: The Queensland Government will install an advisor to Townsville City Council, to ensure the council fulfils its responsibilities. The move follows allegations against the council’s interim CEO by Mayor Troy Thompson. ABC News

5th September 2024