Councils deny claims they’ve withdrawn support for visitor services


Campaspe Shire and Murray River Councils have released a joint statement emphatically denying that they are withdrawing support for visitor services for their regions.

The statement follows media reports that Echuca Moama Tourism will close its Visitor Information Centre next month.

The tourism body’s CEO reportedly linked the closure with a significant downturn in revenue, while the Riverine Herald has suggested the decision followed the councils’ decision to withdraw funding for visitor services.

The Councils say they are in fact expanding both collaboratively and individually on tourism and economic growth, and are re-directing funds towards a modernised, region wide strategy.

On the back of Echuca Moama Tourism (EMT)s decision to close the Visitor Information Centre in Echuca, both Councils have reiterated the updated Memorandum of Understanding co-signed in May this year that highlighted, among other things, a shared vision of prioritising economic development and tourism in both communities.

Source: Campaspe Shire Council; Riverine Herald 18-7-23