LG Shorts: Tudball to Darebin; Oz Day reversal; Mayor excused; Privacy concerns


Darebin appoints interim CEO: Experienced Council CEO Michael Tudball is stepping in at Darebin City Council as interim CEO, replacing recently departed CEO Peter Smith. Darebin City Council

Unley reverses course on Australia Day: South Australia’s City of Unley Council will restore a citizenship ceremony and awards to January 26, reversing an earlier decision to move the events to January 25. News.com.au

Eden excuses self from CEO process: Cairns Mayor Amy Eden says she will excuse herself from the process to recruit a new CEO. The council confirmed that interim CEO John Andrejic will be an applicant for the position. Cairns Regional Council

CCTV privacy concerns: A CCTV partnership between the City of Hobart and Tasmanian police has raised privacy concerns. Police will have real time access to hundreds of council owned cameras. The Guardian