LG Shorts: Brimbank roads, cancer cluster cleared, Mayoral threat, newsletter drama


Brimbank threat on road maintenance: Brimbank Council will reportedly terminate its road maintenance agreement with the state government, after the department declined to increase its financial contribution. Brimbank Star Weekly

Council “cancer” building cleared: A Liverpool City Council building has been ruled out as the site of a cancer cluster, despite concerns over five workers who had developed thyroid cancer. An investigation found no identifiable health hazard in the building, concluding that the apparent cancer cluster likely occurred by chance. ABC News

More trouble in Townsville: Townsville Mayor Troy Thompson has allegedly threatened to push for a dissolution of the council if councillors don’t support a list of demands sent to them via an email. The Townsville Bulletin reported that the demands include support for a mayoral adviser position and claims against the interim CEO. Townsville Bulletin $

Councillor newsletter drama: Brisbane Greens councillor Trina Massey has been ordered to repay $20,000 for a community newsletter containing pro-Palestine content, which some residents found offensive. The incident has sparked debate about content guidelines for council newsletters and raised concerns about the appropriateness of including controversial international issues in local government communications. Brisbane Times

5th September 2024