LG Shorts: CEO resigns; Claims refuted; CEO defended; Mayor sidelined


Horsham CEO resigns: Chief Executive Officer Sunil Bhalla and Horsham Rural City Council have mutually agreed to part ways.

Mr Bhalla, CEO since March 2018, is leaving to spend more time with family and to establish a charity to support the welfare of young girls in rural India. Horsham Rural City Council

Cardinia Mayor and CEO refute claims: The Mayor and CEO of Cardinia Shire Council have refuted claims from a councillor of a conflict of interest in the process to name new suburb Honora. Cardinia Shire Council

Interim CEO defended: Townsville City Councillors have defended interim CEO Joe McCabe against misconduct claims levelled by Mayor Troy Thompson. Townsville Bulletin $

Mayor’s spokesperson role removed: Adelaide Hills Mayor Jan-Claire Wisdom has been sidelined as the council’s principal spokesperson over concerns about legal advice paid for by ratepayers. Adelaide Advertiser $

3rd September 2024