NSW: Byron welcomes government decision on short stay rentals


Byron Shire Mayor, Michael Lyon, has welcomed the NSW Government’s decision to endorse Council’s proposal to cap un-hosted short term rental accommodation (STRA) to 60 days a year across most parts of the Shire.

“This announcement by Planning Minster, Paul Scully, broadly aligns with a couple of the key recommendations put forward by the NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC) earlier this year,” Cr Lyon, said.

“Council’s original proposal to the NSW Government and the IPC, was for a 90-day cap on STRA in most parts of Byron Shire, with some 365-day precincts, while the IPC recommended a 60-day cap be applied across the Shire, but with a development pathway for 365-days,” Mayor Lyon said.

“Minister Scully’s decision incorporates parts of both Council and the IPC’s positions.”

Read the Council’s full statement here.